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Groove with Us at Spare Key's 2024 Groove Gala!


Back in October, the email I was waiting for hit my inbox, and I immediately started smiling. Sarah Putnam, executive director of Spare Key, was reaching out to set up our first meeting to talk about the entertainment for the Groove Gala 2024. This would be my third Groove Gala, and I couldn’t wait to get started.

Sarah and Talia, my main points of contact at Spare Key, are the exact clients you love to work with. They have ideas of what they want, but then they toss it in my court to make a proposal. We finessed our ideas until we had our plan. I then got to work. What exceptional talent would I hire to lead this year’s performance?

Throughout my two decades of experience working as a performer, director, and choreographer, I get to meet a LOT of incredibly talented folks. I especially love hiring young people I’ve had the chance to watch grow through their educational programs. Working with a dozen high schools in the Twin Cities, gives me lots of opportunities to work with talented young people.

Pierce Brown is one of the lead singers of the 2024 Spare Key Groove Gala at the Minneapolis Depot.

This year features Pierce Brown, a freshman in the Guthrie BFA program at the University of Minnesota. I worked with Pierce at Eagan High School in a production of Matilda and his senior Encore show. He knocked my socks off. He has more energy than anyone I know!

Liz Semington, a professional performer in the Twin Cities, will be featured at this year's Groove Gala in Minneapolis.

Lizzie Semington is one of our other three lead singers. I first met Lizzie when she was in fifth grade in a Jr. Intensive summer program at Children’s Theater Company in Minneapolis. I was certain she needed to have the leading role of Fiona because I just KNEW there was something special about her. Fast forward nine years and many awards and leading roles later, I finally get to hire her professionally. She is an exceptional dancer and singer who will be attending Roosevelt University in Chicago in the fall.

Lexi Johnson will perform as part of a lead trio in Minneapolis at the Minneapolis Depot.

Finally, Lexi Johnson rounds out the trio. I cast Lexi in her first musical in seventh grade at Benilde-St. Margaret’s Jr High because again, I just knew there was something special happening. I have since hired Lexi professionally multiple times because her work ethic is second to NONE. This trio is a treat to work with and watch perform. They will lead the Chapel singers of Plymouth Congregational church in this year’s entertainment, and I can’t wait.

I love what I do. Don’t miss Spare Key’s 2024 Groove Gala at the Minneapolis Depot on April 20, 2024!



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